Assessing the Knowledge Regarding Menstrual Hygiene among the Adolescent Girls in Selected Secondary and Higher Secondary Schools in Nadiad City

Jyot Darji *

Community Health Nursing, Dinsha Patel College of Nursing, Nadiad, India.

Angel Christian

Community Health Nursing, Dinsha Patel College of Nursing, Nadiad, India.

Vaishvi Patel

Dinsha Patel College of Nursing, Nadiad, India.

Tulsi Patel

Dinsha Patel College of Nursing, Nadiad, India.

Vaibhav Rathva

Dinsha Patel College of Nursing, Nadiad, India.

Yash Patel

Dinsha Patel College of Nursing, Nadiad, India.

Suzan Pathan

Dinsha Patel College of Nursing, Nadiad, India.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Background: Menarche represents a significant psychological, social, and behavioral transition for an adolescent girl as she moves from girlhood to womanhood. Despite its importance, menstrual hygiene is often neglected. Adolescence, define as the period between age 12 and 18 for both girls and boys, is a time significant change. For girls, this phase marks the beginning of puberty and the journey towards reproductive maturity.  This developmental period is characterized by numerous physiological, behavioral, and psychological changes, with the onset of menstruation being one of the most notable milestones.

Aim: The goal of the study is to assess the knowledge regarding menstrual hygiene among the adolescent girls in selected secondary and higher secondary schools of Nadiad city.

Methodology: A Quantitative research approach with descriptive research design used in this study. The study was conducted in the secondary and higher secondary schools of Nadiad city. The sample was selected through a Non-Probability Convenient Sampling technique. The tool validation from various experts, all questions were given to the adolescent girls and information given by the samples are kept confidential. Prior to data collection written setting permission obtain from selected school principals of Nadiad city. The total sample size was 100 samples. The data were analyzed using SPSS and the results were recorded as frequencies, means+_ standard deviations (SD) and P values. Tables and figures were used for comprehensive viewing of the results. The Chi- square test was used for categorical variables. A p value of < 0.05 was taken as the criteria of significance for all purposes. There Are total 16 multiple choice questions. Each question has 1 mark, so the total marks are 16. Knowledge regarding menstrual hygiene among adolescent girls classified with different categories, Good Knowledge (8%), Average Knowledge (73%) and Poor Knowledge (19%).

Results: The results of the study provide insights into the knowledge regarding menstrual hygiene among the adolescent girls in selected secondary and higher secondary schools of Nadiad city. The majority of participants aged, the participant’s age is 14-15.1 years (22%), 15.1-16 years (26%), 16.1-17 years (29%) and 17.1-18 years (13%). Regarding education, the participant’s education is 9th (17%), 10th (21%), 11th (32%), and 12th (30%). Regarding age of menarche, the participant’s age of menarche is 12-13 (45%), 13.1-14 (48%), and 14.1-15 (7%). Regarding education of family, the participant’s family education is illiterate (11%), primary (40%), secondary (42%), and graduate (7%). Regarding type of family, the participant’s family is nuclear (20%), joint (80%), and any other specified (0%). Regarding family income, the participant’s family income is 5000-10,000 Rs (42%), 10,001-20,000 Rs (24%), 20,001-30,000 Rs (22%), and >30,000 Rs (12%). Regarding toilet facility, the participant’s availability of toilet facility is yes (98%) and no (2%). Regarding prior information, the participants have prior information yes (99%) and no (1%). Regarding source of information, the participant’s source of information are parents (74%), teachers (3%), friends (6%), and health workers (17%). Regarding topic included in the syllabus, the participant’s topic included in syllabus is yes (37%) and no (63%). Regarding use of sanitary pads, the participants using sanitary pads yes (99%) and no (1%).

Conclusion: The study reveals that the Knowledge regarding menstrual hygiene among adolescent girls classified with different categories, Good Knowledge (8%), Average Knowledge (73%) and Poor Knowledge (19%).

Keywords: Assess, adolescent girls, menstrual hygiene, knowledge

How to Cite

Darji, Jyot, Angel Christian, Vaishvi Patel, Tulsi Patel, Vaibhav Rathva, Yash Patel, and Suzan Pathan. 2025. “Assessing the Knowledge Regarding Menstrual Hygiene Among the Adolescent Girls in Selected Secondary and Higher Secondary Schools in Nadiad City”. International Journal of Research and Reports in Gynaecology 8 (1):1-8.


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